Art History Course Tutors

Francesca Ramsay - art history course tutor

Francesca Ramsay

Francesca is a writer and art historian based in Bristol. Since graduating with Distinction from the Warburg Institute in 2015, she has launched into a varied freelance career in the arts. Working at the interface between art and the public has left her adept at transforming complex ideas and academic jargon into something both accessible and (fingers crossed) entertaining.

Francesca is the author of two books: PINCH ME: Trying to Feel Real in the 21st Century and Wilfred Avery and the Unpredictable Image (both October 2023).


Find Fran on instagram: @francescaramsay

this course really helps you develop a sense of understanding of the works of art you are covering. And how to summarize the most important parts from a vast amount of data.

Ewald Human

Touwsrivier, Western Cape

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